Journal article
Journal of Pain, 2023
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Frumkin, M. R., Greenberg, J. K., Boyd, P., Javeed, S., Shayo, B., Shin, J., … Rodebaugh, T. (2023). Establishing the Reliability, Validity, and Prognostic Utility of the Momentary Pain Catastrophizing Scale for use in Ecological Momentary Assessment Research. Journal of Pain.
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Frumkin, Madelyn R., Jacob K. Greenberg, Preston Boyd, Saad Javeed, Bulenda Shayo, Jin Shin, Elizabeth A. Wilson, et al. “Establishing the Reliability, Validity, and Prognostic Utility of the Momentary Pain Catastrophizing Scale for Use in Ecological Momentary Assessment Research.” Journal of Pain (2023).
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Frumkin, Madelyn R., et al. “Establishing the Reliability, Validity, and Prognostic Utility of the Momentary Pain Catastrophizing Scale for Use in Ecological Momentary Assessment Research.” Journal of Pain, 2023.
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title = {Establishing the Reliability, Validity, and Prognostic Utility of the Momentary Pain Catastrophizing Scale for use in Ecological Momentary Assessment Research.},
year = {2023},
journal = {Journal of Pain},
author = {Frumkin, Madelyn R. and Greenberg, Jacob K. and Boyd, Preston and Javeed, Saad and Shayo, Bulenda and Shin, Jin and Wilson, Elizabeth A. and Zhang, Justin K. and Sullivan, M. and Haroutounian, S. and Rodebaugh, T.}